Music And Memory Workshop
Music has the power to evoke strong emotions and in turn, these emotions can enhance memory processes. Music is often involved in our memories and formation of life time-line. We often associate music with particular times in our life; from childhood, to teenage years, and onto our adult years and significant events; weddings, celebrations, and losses. Music is widely used around the world to help us celebrate, as well as bring comfort.
A particular song can take you right back to an emotive memory or nostalgia. For this reason, music is intrinsically wrapped up with our identity. Music offers both a sense of self and the collective. It threaded through each persons culture, age, background and upbringing.
For those experiencing memory loss, there is a loss of the memories which make us who we are. This can be an extremely distressing experience. This is why music can be such a powerful tool in supporting those going through memory loss.
This workshop is for those working with or caring for loved ones experiencing memory loss. I will teach you easy-to-learn songs, activities and techniques to help you connect with each other with the support of music! In this workshop, you will learn how music can help:
Formation of relationships
Expression of feelings; anger, loss, joy etc.
Emotional well-being
Reduce Anxiety and agitation
Distraction from pain
Decrease symptoms of depression
Increase quality of life
Promote cognitive function
Promote use of voice and language skills
Social functioning and strengthening social networks
Preserving memories, building on sense of identity
Secretion of ‘feel good’ brain chemicals
You and the participant do not need any previous musical experience to take part. The wonderful thing about music is that everyone can take part regardless of ability. Workshops are interactive so you will get ‘hands on’ experience as well as receive a comprehensive list of resources and references.